once more,
an opaque haze had enveloped the sky,
drowning the earth in a blanket of bleach.
for years and years,
we marched forth atop this sea of stars.
and everywhere we went,
our big brown boots
would leave a trail
of who we once were
of our little brown boots.
Winter is a Child
She was cold to the touch.
I remember the times
when I would make her laugh so hard,
that she shed her tears in white.
Sometimes she even threw her favorite white blankets at me.
White was her favorite color.
I remember the times
when we would chase after birds,
and they would fly away from us
from north to south
and south to north
and north to south
and south to north...
I remember the times
when we would play hide and seek with the bears.
We weren't any good at it.
We never found them.
The times have changed now.
The burning coals and yelling cars
have all but scared our friends away.
We can't play anymore.
We can't laugh anymore.
We can't cry anymore.
Her body lay limp.
She was cold to the touch.
reminiscent of amelioration
I live in the shoes
of the person I once wanted to be.
I thought I would be happier,
but instead I feel emptier.
I still worry about the future me,
about the person I still want to be.
But I think I should take a step back–
To appreciate the me in the moment,
To be accepting of who I am.
To be grateful for what I have accomplished,
To live once more
in the shoes
that I once wore.
a flame without fuel,
but still–
it burns.
the antithesis of catharsis
I want to express these emotions.
I want to let these feelings
be more than just
the butterflies
in my stomach.
I want to say so many things.
the kinds of things
that breathe life to emotions–
I want to let these words
paint my very soul
with all my colors
and all my hues.
And yet, my words–
my words
could never find
their canvas.
you'll listen to my high notes
you'll listen to my low notes
and sometimes
you'll listen to the beat of my voice
and the rhythm of my thoughts
and the diminuendo
of my woes
you're not there
and that's okay
your presence
decorates my mind
and your absence
is so hard to find
but a flame
left unkindled
so i persevere
in fear
that you may one day
your appearance
blossoms in my presence
and is pleasing to the eyes
a lonesome soul
bounded by death
to wither away
so tragically beautiful
a gravestone of colors
in time abounded to fade
leaving my days
no longer made
to die is to become a memory
living within the fleeting moments
drifting from thought to thought
without a place to call home
we flourish until we are forgotten
forever lost from all recollection...
i forgot to defrost my chicken
i wish to fall apart,
like dandelions in the breeze,
and drift away–
with wisps of wind.
i wish to collapse,
to cascade into pieces,
to shed these tears,
to descend into droplets,
and cry in peace.
got that dawg in me
woof woof
bark bark
memento mori
noli timere,
vivamus est,
moriendum est.
with these remains,
lets tend some flames.
catch the cinder,
kindle the tinder.
we long to burn,
and await our turn.
like little lights,
against the night,
- we reignite
on roof tops
our eyes prespirate,
and with many fears,
and many tears,
we long to precipitate.
sitting on roof tops,
we fall like rain drops,
sitting on roof tops,
we fall like autumn leaves,
unaware, the life that thieves.
sitting on roof tops,
we fall like shooting stars,
and paint the sky
- with many scars
im doing ok
it is a fact
that the brain
cant maintain depression
in the face of gratitude
– so i tether the line –
seeking gratitude,
amidst all this depression.
seeking a piece of purpose,
amidst all this meaningless.
seeking something to appreciate,
amidst all this hopelessness.
– so i tether the line –
in this wasteland of gloom,
it is here–
where flowers bloom.
among us
our friends
played us
our trust
betrayed us
our braincells...
- left on hiatus
so profound
arghhghg im a fish im scary
this man is an illusion,
a construct,
a line of code in the matrix.
an enigma among enigmas.
blubblubblubblubblub im fish
flippin waffles
idk what rhymes with waffles
this poem is awfules
i pulled a push door
but nothing to cry for
yet no door to adore
but nowhere to run anymore
Unwashed Dishes
i’d like to imagine that
when we meet;
that it’d be like a single droplet,
breaking waves across the endless horizon within my soul.
from ripples
bringing forth a surge of emotions,
to tides
washing away my seas of doubts,
may this comfort subside
as i continue to abide
within your mind.
  - the spoon in the sink
Down to Earth
whenever i look off that bridge,
i feel the urge to jump.
to feel the breeze,
and meet the wind.
to become one with the current,
and embrace the air.
to flutter from life,
  - Autumn Leaf
Toes to the Sky
when you look up and can't see the stars,
its because they're in your eyes;
when i look down and can't see your feet,
its because they're on my mind.